Calonge Funeral Home

Cementiri Calonge, Av. Països Catalans, 17251 Calonge, Girona, España
17251 Calonge i Sant Antoni
How to get there
Horario de oficina De 8:00 a 20:00 h
Recent deaths in Calonge Funeral Home
The Calonge Funeral Home is located within the cemetery itself, offering help and tranquility to the families who need it most. Its 2 funeral parlors allow the families to have an environment of tranquility and serenity.
Services available in Calonge Funeral Home
With the aim of providing a close and quality service to the families of Sant Antoni and Calonge, the Calonge Funeral Home is located within the cemetery itself and provides the following services:
2 wake rooms with natural light
Parking space
Personalized attention
For more information about the center and services, please do not hesitate to contact us.