C/Joan Torruella i Urpina, 1
08758 Cervelló
Cómo llegar


9:00 - 20:00

Recent deaths in Cervelló Funeral Home

Check recent deaths at the Cervelló Funeral Home through Áltima. Our search engine makes it easier for family and friends to find their loved ones quickly, offering detailed information on wakes and ceremonies.

Áltima’s Cervelló Funeral Home has modern facilities that allow us to offer families a complete and quality funeral service.

Services available in Cervelló Funeral Home

Icono sala velatorios

Waking rooms

Icono flores

Florist service

To offer a quality funeral service, at the Cervelló Funeral Home we offer families:

  • A wake room with total privacy, equipped with everything you need: toilet, cloakroom, coffee and water facilities.

  • A multi-confessional oratory to celebrate the farewell ceremony that the family chooses.

  • Florist service for those who want to order and customise bouquets and funeral wreaths.

Our priority is to guarantee peace of mind for families, always attending to their needs and prioritising their comfort and well-being.

For more information about our funeral services at the Cervelló Funeral Home or to ask any questions, please contact us on 936 526 020.

How to arrive to Cervelló Funeral Home

The Cervelló Funeral Home is located on calle Joan Torruella i Urpina, number 1. Our excellent location, next to the cemetery and close to the centre of town, means we can offer our funeral services to the localities of Cervelló, La Palma de Cervelló and Vallirana.

By car, you can get here via the C-31 road, taking exit 195A and then following the A-2 and the N-340 until you reach your destination.

If you prefer to use public transport to get to our facilities, you can do so from Barcelona, taking the R4 train line to Molins de Rei. Then you have to take the 567 bus to Mayor-Malvasia, the closest stop to the Cervelló Funeral Home.

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