Carrer Josep Bascós i Carbonell, 5. Sitges
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Lunes - Sábado 8:00-13:00h y de 15:00-17:00h / Domingos y festivos: 9:00 - 13h

Managed since 2007 under administrative concession. Since 2009 the Les Pruelles site has been home to the Áltima Sitges Funeral Parlour - Crematorium, where you will find the family care office

Services available in Sitges Les Pruelles Cemetery

Some of the services offered to families at the Sitges Les Pruelles de Áltima Cemetery are:

  • Burials: pantheons, tombs and niches.

  • Burials for ashes: wall columbaria, poppy garden, rainwater urns and family trees.

How to arrive to Sitges Les Pruelles Cemetery

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