
If you want more information about the general rates of the different funeral parlours and crematoriums, services and products of ÀLTIMA, - except the L’Hospitalet Gran Via Funeral Parlour and Crematorium, the Vilanova i la Geltrú Funeral Parlour and our wake rooms-, click on the following link:

L'Hospitalet Gran Via Funeral Parlour
If you are interested in the products and services of the L’Hospitalet Gran Via Funeral Parlour and Crematorium, click on the following link:

Wake rooms
If you are interested in the products and services of our wake rooms, click on the following link:
Request budget
As there can always be some doubts, if you want to expand the information about this service and know the various options that you can find and their prices, leave us your personal information and one of our advisors will contact you with you.